8 tips to write the perfect cold outreach script

Read time: 3 minutes

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Every Saturday, we’ll share an actionable lead generation guide that’ll help get your first (or next) 100 customers so you can take your business to the next level. This newsletter will remain Free forever. We hope you enjoy!

Today, we're delving into cold outreach copywriting.

Inboxes are getting crowded, and attention spans are getting shorter.

You have less than 2 seconds to grab readers' attention after they open your email.

Scripts are everything.

You’re about to read 8 straightforward tips to help you construct an irresistible script for your cold outreach.

Let's dive right in!

1. Know Your Audience:

First things first, you need to understand who you're addressing.

Consider their:

  • Interests

  • Needs

  • Desires

By understanding your audience, you can tailor your message to resonate with them.

For example, if you're a business consultant reaching out to a tech startup, your email might start like this:

"Hey [name], I saw [their company] got featured in [publication] last week. Congrats. I’ve done some work with [competitor] and [competitor] to help them [outcome] lately…

2. Be Clear About Who You Are:

It's important to clearly state who you are and why you're reaching out. Keep it brief and straightforward. After all, everyone appreciates clarity!


"My name is Samantha, a business consultant specializing in tech startups, particularly in scaling operations and managing growth."

3. Provide Value:

Keep in mind, you're asking for someone's precious time, so it's crucial to offer something valuable in return. This could be a solution to a problem they're facing or valuable insight into their industry.


“Here’s an 8-step guide I put together a recently outlining how to [outcome]. This should answer most of your questions about [topic], [name].

4. Be Polite and Respectful:

Remember, you're a visitor in their inbox, so maintain a polite and respectful tone. Always use "please" and "thank you," and respect their valuable time.


"I understand you're extremely busy, so I appreciate any time you can spare. Thanks for your consideration."

5. Keep It Brief:

In cold outreach, less is more. Keep your message concise and straight to the point. People are busy and will appreciate a quick read.


"In short, I believe my services could greatly benefit your rapidly growing startup. I'm confident that I can help streamline your operations, manage growth, and optimize overall performance."

6. Use a Clear Call-to-Action:

At the end of your message, tell the reader exactly what you'd like them to do next. Whether it's scheduling a call, replying to your email, or checking out your website, make sure it's clear and easy for them to do.


"I’m happy to share more but it’s hard via text. Would you be available for a quick call next week?"

7. Proofread:

Always double-check your email for any spelling or grammar mistakes. It might seem small, but errors can make you seem less professional.

Before sending, reread your email or use a tool like Grammarly to check for any errors.

Make sure sentences like "I'm confidnet that I can help," are correctly spelled as "I'm confident that I can help."

8. Follow Up:

If you don't get a response, it's okay to follow up. Sometimes, emails get lost in the shuffle. Just be sure to wait a reasonable amount of time and remain respectful in your follow-up.


"I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent last week regarding my business consulting services. I understand you're very busy, but I'd love to hear your thoughts when you have a moment."

And there you have it…

8 handy tips for crafting the perfect cold outreach script.

Remember, the goal is to start a conversation…

NOT to close a deal in the first message.

  • Be patient

  • Be persistent

  • Provide value.

Keep practicing and tweaking your approach, and you'll see improvement in your cold outreach efforts in no time!

Best of luck and catch you next week!

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  1. Cold Email Lead Generation - Get booked sales calls with your ideal clients on a pay-per-lead basis. No monthly fees. You only pay a fixed fee whenever you response from your ideal customer. Click here to learn more.

  2. LinkedIn Content Service - Want to build an audience of 10,000 engaged prospects? Get attention-grabbing LinkedIn content done-for-you that scales your personal brand and drives interested prospects to message you. Click here to learn more.

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