Linkedin Content Strategy 101 (+3 post templates)

Steal these so you can go viral on Linkedin today.

Read time: 3 minutes

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Last week, we discussed how collecting testimonials can help maximize your profit and outcompete your rivals.

Today, we're diving into the world of LinkedIn content writing, where you can grow your network and profit.

Let's explore what you need to do to grow your LinkedIn the right way through content.

Why you should be posting content on Linkedin?

If you want to connect with new people and seize new business opportunities…

There's no better avenue than posting on LinkedIn.

The right content can catapult you into the spotlight, attracting the attention of others in your field.

This can pave the way for new and lucrative work prospects and collaborations.

LinkedIn is a powerhouse for expanding your professional network and finding leads for your business.

So, let's break down how to maximize this through…

The 2-Part LinkedIn Content Strategy

Your content strategy is made up of 2 parts:

  • Your engagement strategy

  • Your original content

LinkedIn's algorithm prioritizes engaging content.

So, posting quality content and replying to your comments will push your posts even further.

Let's break these 2 parts down…

Part 1 - Your Original Content

In this part, I'll cover what you should be doing to sustainably grow your LinkedIn profile, along with some post examples for you to swipe.

How often should you post?

You don't need to go overboard when posting content on LinkedIn.

1 post a day is more than enough.

It's best to focus on quality over quantity.

What type of content should you post?

Our ultimate goal when it comes to posting content is for people to…

  • Know,

  • Like, and

  • Trust


There’s a specific type of content that will make that happen.

The first one is…

Authority Content

This is content establishes your expertize and builds trust in your brand.

You’ll become someone they believe in.

A voice of authority.

Here’s how:

  • Share testimonials from existing customers.

  • Share reviews from existing customers.

  • Share user-generated content from existing customers.

  • Provide valuable tips, ideas & tools for your audience.

If your a beginner…

And you don't have any customers yet, share how you've solved your problems!

The other type of content you can use to grow on Linkedin is…

Authenticity Content

This kind of content helps people to get to know you as a person.

When you're more personal on social media…

You become more... real.

And by sharing your personal experiences and values, you can form deeper connections with your audience.

Deeper connections = brand loyalty and trust.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Share your beliefs and ideas

  • Share your story and background, and explain why got started

  • Ask questions to encourage your audience to share their answers

  • Share behind-the-scenes stories, and everyday experiences

  • Use humor to showcase your personality and connect with your audience

This should give you plenty of ideas to start on.

But you can't just spit these ideas out onto the timeline…

Follow this formula:

Big Idea + Awesome presentation = Viral worthy Linkedin posts.

So I'm going to make it easy for you, here are…

3 Linkedin Post Templates You Can Steal To Go Viral Today:

Before we kick off, I want to open up with this quote:

"Good artists copy, great artists steal." - Pablo Picasso

Never directly copy from these templates.

You want to use them to structure your own ideas.

To use them as models for presentation and format.

If you copy, you lose credibility, and you become replaceable.


Now that we've got that out of the way, let's start…

Template #1 - Share your number 1 tip for your target reader

Use this format to write a belief disruptor.

Call out what shouldn't matter. Replace it with what should.

Here’s the original post:


Here’s the template:

My #1 tip for [Target Audience], [insert controversial tip]

  • ReasonForTip1

  • ReasonForTip2

  • ReasonForTip3

  • ReasonForTip4

Instead, [main takeaway tip]

  • ReasonForTip1

  • ReasonForTip2

  • ReasonForTip3

  • ReasonForTip4

[Give a reason why the tip is important to the target audience]

[Engaging Question]

Template #2 - Call out the 3 most important parts of your journey.

Use this format to call out a specific achievement. Humanize it by sharing your lessons.

Here’s the original post:

Here’s the template:

I’ve just gotten [x achievement]

Here are the [most important things to achieve said achievement]

[Factor1 with short explanation]

[Factor2 with short explanation]

[Factor3 with short explanation]

How to make [x outcome even more effective]?




[Short finisher on personal thoughts on experience]

And last but not least…

Template #3 - If you were to start over

This one is an excellent authority builder.

Here’s the example:

Use the hook to create a strong introduction to a long-form, listicle-style post. Share your transformation and tips on how others can do the same.

Hook Template:

I’ve started doing [x] for [y years]

Since then, I’ve…

[Achievement 1]

[Achievement 2]

[Achievement 3]

If I had to start over again (from $0), here’s what I would do:

Part 2 - Your Engagement Strategy

This is the simplest part:

But it’s time consuming…

And there are no shortcuts.

Block 1 hour for daily engagement.

If you don’t reply or comment, no one will reply to your posts.

Here are some tips for leaving comments that add value:

  1. Never rephrase the original post

  2. Ask a question to add to the original post

  3. Share your take

  4. Agree with them and add your own point

  5. Don’t be too formal. Add humor when you feel like it.

Wrapping up…

There's no shortcut to growth.

So make sure to reply to comments and add value to your interactions.

Share valuable content on the timeline.

Start posting today and watch your network grow!

Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Cold Email Lead Generation - Get booked sales calls with your ideal clients on a pay-per-lead basis. No monthly fees. You only pay a fixed fee whenever you get a response from your ideal customer. Click here to learn more.

  2. LinkedIn Content Service - Want to build an audience of 10,000 engaged prospects? Get attention-grabbing LinkedIn content done-for-you that scales your personal brand and drives interested prospects to message you. Click here to learn more.

  3. LinkedIn Paid Advertising - Want to get in front of prospects you never thought possible? Our irresistible LinkedIn Ad funnels will help you grow your business rapidly. Click here to learn more.